36 Bannick Court
Canning Vale WA, 6155

Oil refinery plants in Thailand

GTS Malaysia was requested to carry out a complete HV Cable diagnostic test consisting of Sheath tests, IR tests, Tan delta Tests and Partial Discharge tests on ageing 11kV XLPE cables at one of the oil refinery plants in Thailand

GTS Malaysia has successfully completed another milestone project in the South East Asia Region

  • Commencement: 6th November 2019
  • Completion: 30th November 2019
  • Type of Contract: HV cable partial discharge test
  • Contract Value: AUD $110,000.00
GTS tested close to 40 x 11kV XLPE cables which have been in service for more than 25years. This is a part of a diagnostic test which gives the overall conditions and reliability of these cables in service. These test results will also be used as baseline results for future trending. This is very important as the cable insulation may generally start to deteriorate after 25-30 years in operation.
GTS uses the latest technology and different types of test method available in the market for accurate and reliable assessment. GTS has carried out Tan Delta testing using BAUR and HVA Diagnostic Test equipment. The tan delta test on a power cable is using VLF 0.1Hz method. Meanwhile for Partial Discharge testing, GTS have used two different techniques as shown in the photo. GTS uses OWTS (Oscillating Wave Test System) or DAC (Damping AC) Method using SebaKMT equipment, as well as by VLF method using BAUR VIOLA. Both these systems have their own advantages and GTS owns and uses both these systems for the most accurate and reliable results and assessment.    

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Global Testing Services

Our team members travel all over Australia and the world, going to countries such as Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Egypt and throughout the Asia Pacific.

We take great pleasure in ensuring our clients get the specialised service they have come to expect from Global Testing Services.


Head Office
36 Bannick Court Canning Vale
WA 6155
+61 (08) 9456 7700
After hours
+61 400 040 010
Transformer Branch
21 Gibbons Road Davenport 
WA 6230
+61 (08) 9725 4583
After hours
+61 428 648 848
Pilbara Branch
Equal Certification does not cover our Newman operation
1/85 Welsh Drive
WA 6753
+61 (08) 9175 0177
After hours
+61 447 189 995

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